412 research outputs found

    Integral formulation of the measured equation of invariance

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    A novel integral formulation of the measured equation of invariance is derived from the reciprocity theorem. This formulation leads to a sparse matrix equation for the induced surface current, resulting in great CPU time and memory savings over the conventional approaches. The algorithm has been implemented for two-dimensional perfectly conducting scatterers.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    RCS of engine inlets by a spectral iterative technique

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    A novel algorithm designed to compute efficiently and accurately the HF electromagnetic scattering from open-ended waveguide cavities is presented. The cavity is converted into a stepped-waveguide model so that the field spectrums are propagated, forward and backward, along each waveguide section. As boundary conditions for perfect electric conductors are applied via image theory, they are of local nature and take into account only the first order interactions between each pair of waveguide sections. Accordingly, additional forward-backward iterations must be performed if multiple interactions are to be taken into account. Finally, the RCS due to the interior irradiation is calculated by a Kirchhoff-based aperture integral. Good agreement with Method of Moments and Hybrid Modal solutions is found, as well as with experimental data, for 2-D and 3-D cavities.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    On the accuracy of the Adaptive Cross Approximation algorithm

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    This contribution identifies an often ignored source of uncertainty in the accuracy of the Adaptive Cross Approximation (ACA) algorithm.Postprint (published version

    Procesador de señal S.A.R de alta velocidad y bajo coste

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    We describe here a low cost algorithm for S.A.R. imaging in real rime. It's fast and requires much less data storage size than FFT merhods do. As it deals only wirt two signal levels, it also allows higher sampling frequencies than classical methods. It works well under strongly noisy end romnems and its parallel processing hardware implememarion is simple ro design.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Cap. 3 Líneas de Transmisión. Notas de clase

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    Apuntes de teoría2022/20231r quadrimestrev 5.0.

    Nuevas aplicaciones del modelado geometrico en problemas electromagneticos

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    All kinds of problems in engineering, start solving easy problems, tipically in one dimension, in order to understand the basis of the phisical problem. After this first step, it tries to evercome sorne more general problems in two and three dimensions. Each new step, usual! y representa considerable amount of effort. The use of splines can mean one importan! step toward solving more general problems. The great possibility o splines to model arbitrary geometries and its easy of use is a powerful too! to attack problems wich involve arbitrary geometries.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Analisis de antenas de reflector mediante procesado grafico

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    This paper shows a fast algorithm to calculate first contribution to the pattern radiation of a reflector antenna using the hardware capabilities of a high performance graphic workstation . It allows to design interactively the geometry of a reflector with a computer aided design package, obtaining fast results.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Cap. 5 Fundamentos de radiación y antenas. Problemas de examen

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    Colección de problemas resueltos2022/20231r quadrimestr

    Clined: collaborative learning for innovative engineering design

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    El Projecte CLINED s’emmarca en el procés de desenvolupament del mòdul d’aprenentatge interactiu “Array Antennas” en el context de l’assignatura d’Antenes de l’Escola Tècnica Superior Enginyeria de Telecomunicació de Barcelona (ETSETB). Aquest bloc del temari suposa un crèdit ECTS sent els principals objectius en aquest procés d’adaptació: fomentar el treball progressiu de l’estudiant, el seu esperit innovador i creatiu alhora que adquireixi major capacitat de relació entre els models conceptuals explicats i les estructures reals. Per assolir aquestes fites s’ha dut a terme una experiència pilot d’aprenentatge col·laboratiu de forma que es cobreixen els punts esmentats i s’aconsegueixi que l’estudiant tingui un rol més actiu en el seu propi aprenentatge fent que aquest li resulti més atractiu. A més d’aquest pilot realitzat durant el cursos 2004/2005, 2005/2006 y el quatrimestre de tardor 2006, s’han introduït presentacions en power point del tema d’arrays i s’ha posat a disposició de tots els alumnes video-based lectures, i una eina de simulació que els permet fer tan síntesi com anàlisi per l’estudi del comportament d’antenes i les seves agrupacions

    Cap. 3 Líneas de Transmisión. Problemas resueltos

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    Incluye todos los problemas de examen2022/20231r quadrimestrev 1.1